
The Beginning

In the 90s, José Roberto Rozini – commercial representative of Musical Instruments Market – meets José Pereira – Luthier and newly retired after 30 years working in a famous brazilian Instruments Company.

Zé Pereira used to offer his own handmade cavaquinhos so Zé Rozini saw an opportunity in this. Since then, after many conversation, Zé Rozini and your great business sense, began to sell the cavaquinhos of Zé Pereira.

Success was immediate! It didn’t take long for both friends decided to start a new company: in november 1995, Rozini began the activities.

Since the beginning, this partnership has committed to entering the market with own and genuinely Brazilian product, offering quality and low price.

After the cavaquinhos, came banjos, guitars and then the viola caipira (Zé Pereira’s passion!). Maybe this is the reason for such success that Rozini achieved with this instrument.

This way we keep this legacy getting new partners as others Luthiers, always aware to musicians’ needs reviewing concepts and applying it to our products.